Saved by grace to love and serve our neighbors

Annual Congregational Meeting

February 9, 2025 at 11:00 am

Join us for our Annual Congregational Meeting,
following worship on February 9.
Annual Report and other materials
are available to download at the link below.

Welcome to St. Paul’s!

As Lutherans we believe that we are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  It is not something we earn but is freely given through God's love.  That love is for all of us - created in God's image - and we respond by welcoming and including everyone, regardless of age, background, race, ethnicity, creed, socioeconomic class, marital status, physical or mental ability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.  Wherever you are on your faith journey, we invite you to join with us as we seek to promote racial equity, social and economic justice and care for our environment.  There is a place for you here.

Sunday Morning Worship

We worship in person and online every Sunday morning at 10:00 am. Services are livestreamed on our YouTube and Facebook pages.