Creation Care
St. Paul’s Green Team
Established in 2019, St. Paul’s Green Team seeks to help our community advocate for a more sustainable, equitable future for the earth and all of its people.
Why Creation Care?
Caring for creation is grounded in a biblical understanding of God’s intention for healing and wholeness of the earth.
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. -Genesis 2:15
We believe that God gives humanity a sacred responsibility to care for and keep God’s creation for future generations.
Current Initiatives
Solar Panel Installation
In 2022, we installed solar panels on three church buildings. These panels will reduce our carbon emissions by nine tons a year!
Check out up to date, hourly data of the energy produced by our panels by clicking HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Lighting Upgrades
We have converted our lighting throughout the building to LED, and contracted for renewable electricity.
Compost Program
Working together with Mother Compost, we started a bin-swap program to make composting easy and accessible for our church and the neighborhood.
We’ve installed bike racks in front of the church and encourage biking or walking to church if you’re able. We’ve also upgraded our coffee hour to make reusable cups and mugs available. Installing weather stripping throughout the church has helped reduce waste in heating and cooling.
Get Involved
Creation care is for everyone! You can get involved by making some of the same swaps and changes we have at church:
Switch out disposable products for reusable ones
Conduct a lighting audit of your house and upgrade to LED lights
Purchase electricity from renewable energy providers
Consider solar panels
Compost—either in your backyard or through a program like Mother Compost
Additional Resources
Caring for Creation Today | ELCA’s advocacy page
Why Lutherans Care for Creation | Downloadable article
Lutherans Restoring Creation | Grassroots organization
Blessed Tomorrow | Interfaith group seeking climate solutions
Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light | Advocacy group
Composting 101 | Helpful info for those curious about compost
Mother Compost | St. Paul’s partner in our composting program, serving the Main Line